That really shouldn't be surprising. After all, it's the largest metropolitan area in the state. One thing that is important to point out is not the biggest city in the state. That belongs to Kansas City. According to City Population, Kansas City has 140,000 more people than the city of St. Louis does, but that's because St. Louis is mainly the suburbs in St. Louis County, not St. Louis City. I get the sense that it's the kids from St. Louis County who are the ones filling the seats of many classrooms at Mizzou, more so than the ones from St. Louis County.
Sports are very popular in Columbia, Mo. Everyone obviously roots for Mizzou, but the professional teams are up for a little more debate. The key word little. Is it just me, or do I see a Cardinal fan everywhere I turn? There are so many of them. They are everywhere, and it's just surprising to me that the town is so lopsided when Kansas City is just as close. Then again, you have to look at the two teams as well, the Cardinals and the Royals.
Beautiful Busch Stadium St. Louis, Mo.
Archived video of the Royals 1985 World Series Parade
But here's a question, why do I feel like there are more Chiefs fans in mid-Missouri than Cardinals fans? I think it's the exact same reason why there are more Cardinals fans than Royals fans. The Chiefs are usually better than the Rams. Heck, the Rams might not win a game this season. Obviously, St. Louis people will root for the Rams, and Kansas City people will root for the Chiefs, but mid-Missouri again has its pick. I think they usually pick the better of the two teams. So the question...does mid-Missouri have some of the smartest fans in the world, or are they just a bunch of bandwagon fans?
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